For your convenience former student records requests and graduation verifications must be submitted online.
If you are a current student you may request your transcript online! Just click below to get started
You can conveniently request your student records or graduation verifications online by clicking on the banner below:
Graduation Status, Grades, Final Transcript.
A timeline of vaccinations received.
Copy of an official document issued to record a person's birth
A copy of a card containing a Social Security number (SSN)
Contains aspects of your student record that contain some of the requirements to complete the DACA application.
If your original Diploma was lost, a replacement diploma can created and printed. It is not a copy of you original diploma.
$5 for one official transcript
Graduation Status, Grades, Final Transcript.
An electronic verification sent via email that verifies the Student's Name While Attending, High School Name, Last Year Attended, and Graduation Status.