Online Student Records Request Form
In the interest of your convenience, expediency and security, you can order your transcripts / student records online!
Anything to help support your efforts to pursue your education or secure employment is our top priority!
Step 1
Select the School you/the student last attended.
- Berkeley Alternative
- Berkeley Elementary
- Berkeley High School
- Berkeley Intermediate
- Berkeley Middle
- Berkeley Middle College
- Boulder Bluff Elementary
- Bowen's Corner Elementary
- Cainhoy Elementary
- Cainhoy High
- Cane Bay Elementary
- Cane Bay High School
- Cane Bay Middle
- College Park Elementary
- College Park Middle
- Cross Elementary
- Cross High School
- Daniel Island
- Devon Forest Elementary
- Foxbank Elementary
- Goose Creek High School
- Goose Creek Primary
- H.E Bonner Elementary
- Hanahan Elementary
- Hanahan High School
- Hanahan Middle
- Howe Hall AIMS
- JK Gourdin Elementary
- Macedonia High
- Macedonia Middle
- Marrington Middle
- Marrington Elementary
- Nexton Elementary
- Philip Simmons Elementary
- Philip Simmons Middle
- Philip Simmons High Schools (1 L vs 2 ls)
- R.A. Ready Intermediate
- Russelville High
- Sangaree Elementary
- Sangaree Intermediate
- Sangaree Middle
- Sedgefield Intermediate
- Sedgefield Middle
- St. Stephen Elementary
- St. Stephen Middle
- St. Stephen High
- Stratford High School
- Timberland High School
- Westview Elementary
- Westview Primary
- Westview Middle
- Whitesville Elementary